April 2
by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge | 04/02/2023 | Principal's LetterDear OLMC Community,
The OLMC Used Books Sale was a tremendous success! Thank you to all that purchased books to support our school library and a HUGE thank you to the Sterns for collecting the books and hosting the sale.
Thank you all for getting your children here on time this past week with the ITBS testing. It was wonderful for the teachers to be able to begin promptly. I am challenging you to continue this! When your student is late, it interrupts the classroom learning environment. The teacher has to stop and assist your child with work that has been missed. The bell rings at 8:05am. Please make an effort to be here at that time. You can drop your children off as early as 7:00am and there is no fee! Please start your child off on the right foot by starting on time!
There will be no Learning Labs this week.
We will have our Annual Trek Through the Desert. All of the parents are welcome to attend. This will begin at approximately 8:45am on the field. The children are to dress as Israelites. Please have your child wear something he/she can easily slip off and on over his/her regular school uniform. This can be a pillowcase with the arms and head cut out or robe. Children can also wear “traditional” head coverings of dish towels and wraps.
The 8th graders will perform the Living Stations of the Cross in the Church at 11:15am in. It is very moving. All parents are welcome to attend. After the Stations do not pull your child from the Church. PLEASE follow the regular parking lot routine for the safety of ALL the children and staff.
Easter Break
The children will have a 12:30 dismissal on Wednesday. There is no school on Thursday, Friday and Monday (April 6, 7, & 10). We will resume classes on Tuesday, April 11.
Mark your calendars as April 15 will be our Parish Picnic! Please see the attached flier for more details. Please remember that all families are asked to give 6 hours of time and if you have not completed your hours, please Volunteer for the Picnic here! After you have finished volunteering any time at OLMC, log your volunteer hours here!
Friday, April 14 is a 12:30pm dismissal. Children may wear a Spirit shirt and uniform bottoms.
I have also included the *Preliminary Calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
There will be no Principal Corner or newsletter on Easter Sunday.
Have a blessed Easter break.
Dr. Shewbridge