April 23

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  04/23/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

Great news! Going into next year we have some changes with the school supplies! You will NO longer have to purchase paper towels, tissues, hand sanitizer, wipes and soap! If you would like to order the other school supplies (pencils, notebooks, etc), you may order a kit online. If you have surplus ESA funds, you can upload your receipt to ClassWallet for reimbursement. (ClassWallet will still charge their 2.5% surcharge)

Childsplay is coming to do a performance of the book Tomas and the Library Lady for Kindergarten through Third Grade.

The fourth graders will be going on a field trip to the Arizona Science Center. 

The third graders will be volunteering at I-Help this Thursday from 4:45 to 5:30pm. If your third grader is serving, please have your child dressed in his/her school uniform. Also, make sure the food is hot,ready to serve and delivered to King of Glory by 4:45pm. We are still in need of food. If you can volunteer to bring something to I-Help to donate or you can drop it off at school.

Dads’ Club is hosting a Food Fundraiser at Someburros on Rural and Apache. This is from 9am to 9pm and they give 30% back to the school! You can have breakfast, lunch and dinner there! Buy your Someburros SCRIP online ahead of time and it can go home with your child on Tuesday or Thursday!

Have a wonderful week!
Dr. Shewbridge