April 30

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  04/30/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

We will begin praying the rosary in the Prayer Garden at 8:05am. The 5th graders will lead us in this prayer. Please join us if you are available! This will continue throughout the month of May. 

There will be no Mass. We will have a rosary on Wednesday at 2:20pm since there will be no Mass. In the evening the Kindergartners will have their Stars and Stripes at 7:00pm. 


April 23

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  04/23/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

Great news! Going into next year we have some changes with the school supplies! You will NO longer have to purchase paper towels, tissues, hand sanitizer, wipes and soap! If you would like to order the other school supplies (pencils, notebooks, etc), you may order a kit online. If you have surplus ESA funds, you can upload your receipt to ClassWallet for reimbursement. (ClassWallet will still charge their 2.5% surcharge)


April 16

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  04/16/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

The Parish Picnic this weekend was wonderful! It was great to have Bishop Olmsted here and Thomas Muglia is always incredible. Thank you to all of the families who volunteered to make this event so much fun! Please do not forget to log your volunteer hours.

The application for the ESA for next year is opening tomorrow for students that are not currently on ESA. If you have NOT applied for the ESA, please do so! For students receiving the ESA scholarship this year, you will be emailed a renewal contract to sign and accept (or decline) in May.


April 9

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  04/09/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend with your family. This upcoming week we will resume Learning Labs.

No school

There is a Home and School Coffree in McCready at 8:15am. This is also a half day, 12:30pm dismissal. The children may wear a spirit shirt and their uniform bottoms. If you have an 8th grader he/she may wear a t-shirt that represents the high school they will be attending next year! ONLY the 8th graders may wear jeans. 


April 2

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  04/02/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

The OLMC Used Books Sale was a tremendous success! Thank you to all that purchased books to support our school library and a HUGE thank you to the Sterns for collecting the books and hosting the sale.

Thank you all for getting your children here on time this past week with the ITBS testing. It was wonderful for the teachers to be able to begin promptly. I am challenging you to continue this! When your student is late, it interrupts the classroom learning environment. The teacher has to stop and assist your child with work that has been missed. The bell rings at 8:05am. Please make an effort to be here at that time. You can drop your children off as early as 7:00am and there is no fee! Please start your child off on the right foot by starting on time! 
