September 17

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  09/17/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

This Week:

Mon, Sep 18
This is the first day for the Photography/Yearbook Club if your child registered! The children will meet in 6B. You can pick up your student on the yellow brick road at 4:15pm or they can go to Kids Club. 

Tue, Sep 19
There is no Choir this week due to there being no Mass.

Wed, Sep 20
Progress Reports will be emailed home. 

Thu, Sep 21
Thursday is school Picture Day! The children must wear their OLMC Mass uniforms and 4th-8th grade boys must wear pants. Mrs. White sent an email on Friday with instructions on how to view and order: 

“Your individual student photos will be available to view and order on September 26th here: Southwest Portrait Student Pictures

It will ask you for your Access Code, which is your student’s ID number. On picture day, Sep 21, your child will be coming home with ordering instructions and their ID number on a bright pink half-sheet of paper.”

Sat, Sep 23
The Dads’ Club Cornhole Tournament is Sat, Sep 23. There are still spots available, but they are going fast! Register your team here: Dads’ Club Cornhole Tournament. Spots are limited!


8th graders
Thu, Sep 28 is I-Help. I will send more information home this week. 

Gala - This Year it’s Western Themed!
We are very excited and need your help! We need your help with donations and volunteers! Please check out the OLMC Gala Website for links to help out and buy your tickets today. Spots are limited and last year it sold out!

Sunday OLMC School Mass! October 1st - Mark your Calendar!
Starting in October, the first Sunday of every month, the 9am Mass will be a school Mass! This month it is Sun, Oct 1

We are encouraging all students, families, faculty and staff to attend! We want the students to wear their uniforms to represent OLMC. We are having our children’s choir sing. There will be OLMC students who will bring up the gifts, be the lectors, and altar servers. More information will come home in the following weeks!

Help at the Parish
The Parish is looking for volunteers to help out with the Church and Liturgical Arts and Environment Ministry. This means preparing and decorating the Church for Special Feasts and Church seasons, i.e. upcoming Advent and Christmas. If you are interested contact Karen Shepard at the Parish. Her contact is