October 1
by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge | 10/01/2023 | Principal's LetterDear OLMC Community,
This past Sunday was our first OLMC school Mass at 9am. The children’s choir was amazing and the readers and altar servers were wonderful! Thank you to all of the students, parents, faculty and staff who attended. Next all school Sunday Mass is Sun, Nov 5 at 9:00am.
Wed, Oct 4
This is the Feast of St. Francis. We will have our Annual Pet Blessing for the pets of students in preschool through 3rd grade. All pets MUST remain outside of the classroom and parents are to be in control of the pets at all times. Children are not allowed to walk pets around. If your pet has self control issues or is simply crazy like mine, please keep your pet at home. You may send in a stuffie (that is what we do) or a photo of the pet. There are no pets that are allowed to remain after the blessing.
Please join us in celebrating the Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day on Thu, Oct 5 at 11:15am in the Church. Students are to wear their Mass uniform. This is NOT a spirit shirt day. We will be saying a decade of the rosary before a rose procession for our Blessed Mother by our 7th graders and kinder buddies followed by mass. All are welcome to attend!
Rose Donations Needed
We are asking parents of the 7th and Kinder students specifically, to please consider donating the roses to be used for the procession: Rose Collection for Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day Celebration. There will be buckets located outside of the school office for the roses.
We also have a 12:30pm dismissal with Young Men for Christ and Little Flowers at 12:30 pm. If your child attends either group, please send lunch. Again, please have your student dress for Mass, no spirit shirts.
Fri, Oct 6 and Mon, Oct 9
There is no school Friday or Monday! Teachers have an Inservice on the 6th and there is No School Monday. School resumes Tue, Oct 10.
Winter Sports Registration
Winter Sports Registration is open, Boys Basketball, and Girls Softball. Registration will close Fri, Oct 13. The registration date will not be extended. If your child is currently participating in fall sports the only step you need to take is to complete the Registration form but you do not need to upload a sports physical as this is good for the whole school year. If you are registering your child for the first time, your child is required to have an updated sports physical and transportation form on file. You may register without having a completed physical and transportation form. Students must have physicals and transportation forms turned in before they are allowed to participate when practice begins on Mon, Oct 23. Practice times are always right after school and games 99% of the time start at 4:00pm.
Volunteer Coaches!!! Please email elizabethbaker@olmcschool.info if you are interested in coaching or assisting coaching in the Winter.
Spirit Store
This month is the last month before the cool weather hits to get a jacket for the cool mornings! We have many families who have not purchased jackets. Please place your Spirit Store order.
Rosary Sunday
Sun, Oct 15 from 2:00-4:15pm at the Phoenix Convention Center. The doors open at noon for adoration, confession and exhibits. Bishop Dolan will be there too! If you are interested in participating, please register at www.azrosary.net. They are celebrating Our Lady of Mt. Carmel!
The Chipotle Food Fundraiser will be on Tue, Oct 17 from 4:00-8:00pm at the 815 E Baseline location. We also have physical Scrip cards that you may purchase at 14% . Please use the flier attached for more details!
From Home and School:
OLMC Fall Festival
Sat, Oct 28 from 3:00-5:00pm on the school fields
Students can come in costume (no scary costumes!) and go around to different decorated trunks for some candy and prizes! There will also be crafts, food, a 50/50 raffle, ponies, music, and more.
In preparation to provide candy and party favor items, we are asking families to help with the collection of candy bags and party favors. If your child is in an A class (KA, 1A, 2A, etc.) please bring in a bag of candy. If your child is in B class (KB, 1B, 2B, etc.) please bring party favors. The items will be collected in the student’s classroom.
Interested in hosting a car trunk, decorating it, and handing out candy/party favors? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/vKj4B4BA5KFh69DV9
The Dad's Club will be grilling at the Fall Festival. Pre-order your hamburger meal HERE.
For more information, contact alma.a.douglas@gmail.com.
Feed My Starving Children
OLMC Family Event on Mon, Oct 30 from 4:30-6:15pm. Register here and use the Join Code: X8B7YE.
Have a wonderful Fall Break!