August 27
by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge | 08/27/2023 | Principal's LetterDear OLMC community,
Thank you to all of the parents who attended Curriculum Night the past two Thursdays. It was wonderful to see so many of you there!
For students that are signed up, Choir begins Tuesday at 7am. Students will meet Mrs. Lowe in McCready at 7am and head back to the Fine Arts room.
For students that are signed up for Chess Club, it begins Wednesday. Students will meet Coach David in 7B right after school until 4:15pm.
August 20
by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge | 08/20/2023 | Principal's LetterDear OLMC Community,
Thank you to the Dads’ Club for a wonderful Back to School BBQ!
The Dads’ Club is having their monthly meeting at Doc and Eddy’s at 6:00pm. Doc and Eddy’s is located at 909 E. Minton Dr. in Tempe. All dads are welcome!
The School Advisory Board (SAB) has a meeting at 7:00pm in the library. The OLMC School Advisory Board meets every 4th Tuesday at 7:00pm in the OLMC Library. All parents are welcome.