September 24
by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge | 09/24/2023 | Principal's LetterDear OLMC Community,
This Week:
Mon, Sep 25
Photography/Yearbook Club meets Monday if your child registered! The children will meet in 6B. You can pick up your student on the yellow brick road at 4:15pm or they can go to Kids Club.
Wed, Sep 27
St. Therese Group will be meeting at 8:15 in the Holy Family Room at the Parish.
Notre Dame Prep will be visiting the 8th graders during the school day. They will provide the students with a pizza lunch!
September 17
by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge | 09/17/2023 | Principal's LetterDear OLMC Community,
This Week:
Mon, Sep 18
This is the first day for the Photography/Yearbook Club if your child registered! The children will meet in 6B. You can pick up your student on the yellow brick road at 4:15pm or they can go to Kids Club.
September 10
by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge | 09/10/2023 | Principal's LetterDear OLMC Community,
There was a great turnout for Altar Server Training yesterday. If your 5th-8th grader missed out, but would still like to be an altar server at OLMC, please contact
Mon, Sep 11
The Dads’ Club have a meeting at Doc and Eddy’s on Monday at 6:00pm. All dads are welcome.
Tue, Sep 12
The Dads’ Club’s first Food Fundraiser is at Culver’s, 630 E Southern Ave, just West of Rural Road. OLMC will earn a percentage of all sales from 5:00-8:00pm on Tuesday.