February 27

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  02/27/2022  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

We are on the road to Lent! This Wednesday we will begin Mass at 1:45am for the distribution of ashes. You are welcome to attend. 

This week we will have a 12:30pm dismissal on Thursday to begin Spring Break. Friday there is no school. We will resume classes on March 14. 

On Ash Wednesday we will begin our Lenten Almsgiving Project. We will have the Penny Wars return this year and are going to raise money for the Sister’s school in Peru. We will send home a flier prior to Wednesday reviewing all the details for those of you who have not experienced the Penny Wars- just save your coins!


Feburary 20

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  02/20/2022  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

There is no school tomorrow! I hope you are having a wonderful long weekend. 

The Father/Daughter Dance is right around the corner! Please click the link to register for the dance! Additionally, we are in need of several volunteers to make this evening run smoothly! Please give some of your time to allow the Dads to enjoy this with their little girls! Sign up to Volunteer for the dance!


Rain, Rain Go Away...

by Shannon David, RN, NCSN  |  02/06/2022  |  Nurse's Letter

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 marked an anniversary. Though, as anniversaries go, it is one to simply remember, rather than celebrate. It was on January 26, 2020, that Arizona recorded the first confirmed case of COVID-19. Since that time, we have been through a lot! No one would have predicted that 2 years hence, we would still be battling the coronavirus. Even one year ago, January 30, 2021, when the 7-day average for cases in Maricopa County was 2622, we couldn’t have imagined that on January 30, 2022 the 7-day average would be 6075! Yet, there is reason to be optimistic! 6075 cases is a significant decrease from the 13,742 7-day average recorded just two weeks before (EPI Curve).
