May 22

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  05/22/2022  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

I cannot believe that we are beginning the last week of school! It has been so wonderful watching your children grow this year! The retreat, day of service and the graduation were wonderful. Please continue to keep the children in your prayers.

1st Grade Dads’ with Donuts
The 1st grade teachers will be hosting the Dad and feeding them donuts for an early Father’s Day. This will take place after prayers in the Prayer Garden (close to 8:30am).


by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  05/15/2022  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

We ended the school week with the procession to Our Lady of Fatima and an all school rosary with the intentions of the 8th graders. What a beautiful new tradition! This past weekend we celebrated the 8th graders with their dinner/dance. It was a lovely evening recounting all their fun times here at OLMC. So excited for their new adventures!

The 8th graders will be graduating this Wednesday at 7:00pm. Please keep them in your prayers.


May 8

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  05/08/2022  |  Principal's Letter

OLMC Community,

What a beautiful weekend we had celebrating as a community! We had our May Crowning Mass on Friday. Caleb Donnellan and Grace Blackstad crowned Mary and they both gave beautiful reflections on the blessed Mother. The third graders and a few of the older students made their Confirmation and First Holy Communion this past Saturday. That evening the Dads’ Club hosted their end of the year BBQ! So joyous! They raised $20,000 to go towards resurfacing the basketball courts. Thank you for your generosity!


May 1

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  05/01/2022  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

It is hard to believe we are embarking on May! This is an incredibly busy month so I have a lot to share. 

School Advisory Board
We’ve had several wonderful candidates apply for the board. Please only vote once. The voting ends on May 6th at Noon. 

Vote here:  2022 School Advisory Board Ballot 
