October 22

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  10/22/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the Gala- it was so much fun! Thank you to the attendees, those who bid online, the sponsors, those who donated, and all the volunteers. I am continually blown away by this community.

Photo Club will meet after school in 6B.

Brophy and Xavier are coming to present to the 8th graders.

Picture retakes are Thursday! 

The 7th graders are hosting I-Help Thursday. Please have your 7th grader, in school uniform, there by 4:45pm and pick up at 5:30pm. Please bring food ready to serve. We are still in need of food, so even if you do not have a 7th grader and would like to please Sign up for food! Must be HOT and ready to serve! 

Home and School has a meeting at 8:15am Friday. All are welcome! 

Friday night is the Junior High Dance from 5:00-7:00pm. Students must follow dance dress code. It is Hawaiian themed, so the children may wear a Hawaiian t-shirt, polo or button down shirt, jeans with no rips, gym shoes and no makeup. If your student brings his/her cell phone it will be collected before the dance. There is a $5 entrance fee. 


Fall Festival/Trunk-or-Treat
Sat, Oct 28 from 3:00-5:00pm at the school fields. There will be crafts, food, a 50/50 raffle, and trunks.

In preparation to provide candy and party favor items, we are asking families to help with the collection of candy bags and party favors. If your child is in an A class (KA, 1A, 2A, etc.) please bring in a bag of candy. If your child is in B class (KB, 1B, 2B, etc.) please bring party favors. Temporary tattoos will NOT be accepted as party favors. The items will be collected in the student’s classroom. 

Interested in hosting a car trunk, decorating it, and handing out candy/party favors? Fill out this form: forms.gle/vKj4B4BA5KFh69DV9 

We are also looking for volunteers. To sign-up for volunteer positions: www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4BAEAC2BA5FD0-45204769-olmc 

50/50 Raffle ticket sales begin today! You can purchase 50/50 raffle tickets HERE. You do not need to be present to win.

  • 1 ticket = $5
  • 3 ticket = $10
  • 6 ticket = $20
  • 20 tickets = $50
  • 50 tickets = $100

Used Uniform Sale
We will be having a Used Uniform, Sweatshirt, and PE Uniform sale on Thu, Nov 9 from 2:00-7:00pm on the Yellow Brick Road. At school, students must wear OLMC sweatshirts, which will also be on sale.

If you have uniforms to donate, please send them to the office. To drop off uniforms for the sale, please bring them in by Fri, Nov 3 as they need to be tagged and inventoried. 

The used uniform prices have changed on the plaid skirts to $10 and uniform shirts to $5.